Your place to manage it all. View your club dashboard and manage your My HockeyUK Profile
If you need help managing your account, check out the guidance below
The personal tab is all the information we may need about you!
Name - This should be your full name as you wish it to appear on teamsheets / appointments.
Password - Click change to create a different account password.
Date of Birth - This should be in the format dd/mm/yyyy. We need this to verify whether you are over 18.
Gender - We need to know which competitions you are suited for. If you'd rather not say please select prefer not to say.
Gender Pronouns - We want you to feel comfortable when communicating with you, so please let us know how you'd rather be addressed.
Email - This is your main account email address, and is the one you use to login.
Home Phone - We recommend providing a landline number which we can get in touch with you if required.
Mobile Phone - We recommend providing a mobile number which we can call you on if required.
WhatsApp Number - Our system can send important messages to you via WhatsApp. If you would like important messages via WhatsApp please, provide a number here. Please note, you will be reuqired to have the WhatsApp app downloaded on your device to receive messages.
Address - This is useful to help us plan local activity near you, and canbe used for sending any merch store deliveries to. If you'd rather not share your entire address, just a town / city, county or postcode can be helpful too.
Nationality - This is optional and is used to help us monitor who is involved with our activity.
Ethnicity - This is optional and is used to help us monitor who is involved with our activity for equality purposes.
Additional Contacts allows you to add people to your account, who can also be contacted.
If you are Under 18, you must provide at least 1 additional contact that is over 18 years of age, this should be a parent, legal guardian or other family member. If you do not provide a contact, your account may get suspended.
If you want additional email addresses to be added to your account (for example work or school addresses) you can also add them here and by selecting the opt-in to email list, they will receive the system emails.
Accreditation Photo - Some events require photo ID on teamsheets or photos on event accreditation passes. Please upload your photo here if required. Your photo should be similar to that of a passport photo (head and shoulders) but is not as strict requirements. Your file size should be at least 50kb and no more than 8mb.
Socials - You can add your social media links to your profile and we may then tag you in posts, if they're related to you.
National Governing Body - This is the country where you mainly play your hockey. If your NGB is not listed, please get in touch to have it added to the list.
Area / Region - This is the area or region where you mainly play your hockey. This can help us identify areas where most people are from, and organise further activity nearer to you.
NGB Reg / Member No - If we have to contact your NGB, for example you are assessed for an umpiring qualification, we may need your registration / member number.
Club / Team - Let us know the clubs / teams you are linked with. If you need to select more than one please get in touch, and we can add them for you. Please note, if participating in some events, you may not be able to select more than one, as event regulations prevent this, unless you transfer to a new team.
Depending on your membership type, will depend on what roles you can select here.
Club Roles - If you are a club admin, you can select your role within the club. If you don't see this option, please get in touch with #ihUK or another club admin who can add you.
Team Roles - If you are a team manager or coach, let us know which role you take part in. This will allow you access to register teams for events etc.
Official / Workforce Roles - Please select all the roles you are happy to be involved with at events. When appointments are made, we will then appointment you to what is considered the best option for you and the event.
This tab allows you to record your hockey qualifications, depening on what roles you have selected on the previous tab.
This information helps us create new content and development opportunities aimed at the correct level of experience.
If you are a Workforce or Official you can enter your availability for events, and see upcoming and future appointments.
Payment / Invoice History - You can see all transactions linked to your account here. This includes team entries and purchases at the merch store.
Submit Expenses - If you are an official or workforce member, you can submit any expenses incurred here.
Finances - If you are an official or workforce member, you can view all your finance information, including amount in your wallet and bank account details.
You can adjust your privacy settings here. You can choose to hide some information and choose to opt in to email lists.
This tab also shows policies you have agreed to when signing up.
If you have access to other systems, for example the Competition Management Systems, you can find them here. Click on the system name to open in a new screen.
Indoor Hockey UK Ltd is a company registered in England & Wales. Company Registration Number: 13092476
Have questions or comments? Please get in touch with us and we'd be happy to help